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What are your rights as a homeowner when sustaining sinkhole damage?
Your sinkhole damage claim was approved, but you disagree with the manner the insurance company wants to make repairs to the sinkhole, what can you do?
How much will it cost you to hire the Law Offices of J.P. Gonzalez-Sirgo, P.A. for your sinkhole damages case?
What is a Renters Insurance Policy?
Why do you need Renters Insurance?
What does Renters Insurance Cover?
What is mold?
How does mold grow or multiply in your home or business?
Should you be concerned about mold causing damage to your home or business?
Where can you learn more on the health effects of mold?
Is "mold damage" covered under your insurance policy?
What are some typical insurance company tactics for delaying or denying mold insurance claims?
Who administers and pays on your flood insurance policy?
How much time do you have to file a flood insurance claim from the date of loss?
You do not have flood insurance and have sustained damage from rising water as opposed to rain driven rain, what can you do?
How do you determine what is wind versus flood damage?
What should you do after a fire damages your home, business or property?
How much will it cost to hire insurance claims attorney J.P. Gonzalez-Sirgo for your fire insurance claim?
If your house or business is totally destroyed due to a fire, will your insurance company pay to have your property rebuilt?
In the event of a fire to your home, will your insurance company cover the contents of your home?