Truck Accidents and Personal Injury 

With a population of more than 19.9 million people, Florida is now the country’s third most populous state. Thousands of commercial trucks haul an endless supply of goods and supplies into and out of the Sunshine State every day. By and large, the truck industry does a tremendous job and we are very thankful for their efforts.

While we applaud safe truckers and responsible trucking companies, unfortunately, there is another part of the story that isn’t as bright. The number of commercial truck crashes, accidents, injuries and deaths is incredibly high.

Truck Accident Statistics in a recent year:

  • 667 – large truck deaths
  • 30,000 – large truck injuries
  • 346,000 - number of large trucks involved in property damage only

These statistics tell only a small part of the story.

Causes of Truck Accidents - Driver

There are many different causes of truck accidents. They include, but certainly are not limited to, the following driver-related causes:

  • Driver error – this is at the top of the list and includes issues of non-performance and poor decisions
  • Driver inattention – driver is not paying attention to the vehicle and/or the road
  • Driver fatigue – driver falls asleep and/or nods while driving, usually from exhaustion related to driving more hours than permitted by federal and state regulations
  • Driver alcohol – drunk driving
  • Driver prescription drug use – drugged driving
  • Driver over-the-counter drug use – drugged driving
  • Driving too fast for road conditions
  • Driver following too close
  • Driver speeding
  • Driver illness
  • Driver internal distraction
  • Driver texting or cell phone use

There are many other causes. For example, many accidents are caused by drivers who were never trained or who were improperly trained.  As well, many accidents are attributed to trucking companies. Trucking company owners, administrators, managers, mechanics and other employees are required to adhere to strict regulations. When they don’t, accidents are more likely to occur.

Causes of Truck Accidents – Vehicle

There are numerous vehicle-related accident causes, including:

  • Equipment failure – can be attributed to virtually any part
  • Brake failure – vehicle will not stop, brakes improperly maintained or not maintained
  • Brake lights not working – invisible to vehicles following truck
  • Headlights not working – invisible to oncoming vehicles
  • Tire failure – shredding and exploding tires; retreads, defective tires
  • Overloaded vehicle – vehicle carries more weight than is safe or permitted
  • Improperly loaded vehicle – contents may fall and shift, causing the vehicle to jackknife or flip

There may be numerous individuals who contributed to the accident because of negligent truck maintenance.

Truck Accidents Can Lead to Catastrophic Injuries or Death

A fully loaded commercial vehicle can weigh more than 80,000 lbs. That is simply no match for a 2,000 or 3,000 lb. passenger car, not to mention a motorcycle, bicycle or pedestrian. Injuries may include traumatic brain injury, spinal injuries resulting in paralysis, fractures of extremities, internal organ damage, severe skin and burn injuries, neck injuries, facial injuries, death and more.

If You Were Involved in a Truck Accident That Was the Caused by the Negligence of a Truck Driver

If you were involved in an accident with a commercial truck, such as a tractor-trailer, semi-truck, 18-wheeler, transport truck, dump truck, etc., and you know or suspect your accident was caused by the negligence of the truck driver and/or a defective vehicle part, you may pursue compensation to make you whole again. Compensatory damages may include past and future medical expenses, past and future earnings, compensation for pain and suffering, and possibly more.

In the case of a truck accident causing a fatality, the family of the deceased can bring a wrongful death claim.

You can reach Personal Injury Lawyer J.P. Gonzalez-Sirgo by dialing his direct number at (786) 272-5841, calling the main office at (305) 461-1095, or Toll Free at 1 (866) 71-CLAIM or email J.P. directly at [email protected].

J.P. Gonzalez-Sirgo
J.P. Gonzalez-Sirgo, P.A.
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