An assistive devices services practitioner is a health care provider that helps disabled or injured patients with assistive devices. Assistive devices are tools, products or types of equipment that help the disabled or injured patient perform tasks and activities. Tasks and activities may include the ability to move around, see, hear, communicate, eat, and other basic, but very necessary functions. When an assistive devices services practitioner's level of care, skill or treatment falls below the standard of care and inflicts serious injury or death to a patient, negligence may have occurred. Unfortunately, even the best assistive devices services practitioners can commit errors and mistakes that may result in serious injuries or wrongful death.
Negligence may include:
- Failure to Document Chart;
- Failure to Document Findings;
- Failure to Fit Disabled or Injured Patient with Proper Device;
- Failure to Supervise;
- Failure to Treat;
- Improper Performance;
- Standard of Care Violations.
Assistive device service practitioners can include durable medical good providers and home health care agencies. Assistive devices may include:
- Bath/Shower & Toilet Aids;
- Cochlear Implants;
- Dressing and Grooming Aids;
- Driving Devices;
- Eating and Drinking Aids;
- Food Preparation and Drinking Aids;
- Hearing and Listening Devices;
- Mechanical Lifts;
- Mobility Aids;
- Rehabilitation Devices;
- Speech to Speech Relay Services;
- Video Relay Services;
- Vision and Blindness Aids;
- Walkers/Canes Accessories;
- Wheelchair Accessories.
You can reach Personal Injury Lawyer J.P. Gonzalez-Sirgo by dialing his direct number at (786) 272-5841, calling the main office at (305) 461-1095, or Toll Free at 1 (866) 71-CLAIM or email Attorney Gonzalez-Sirgo directly at[email protected].