The insurance needs of a condominium association are complex because of the dual nature of ownership inherent in a condo development. While the responsibility to insure against damage to the individual units inside a condo building fall on the individual unit owners, the association is responsible for coverage of the “common area.” There are also areas like internal walls or ceilings that may be the responsibility of the association though they are also adjacent to individual units. Some common questions about property damage claims brought by condominium associations are:
What are the options if a member of the condominium board feels that a claim for loss from hurricane, water damage, fire or other peril is not proceeding properly?
The board should seek appropraite legal assistance. An experienced property damage insurance claims attorney who has experience working with condominium associations can review the issues and status of your claim to determine how to address a delay or denial by the insurance company. It's important to recognize that there are a range of parties and personalities involved with a condominium association. Therefore, it is impotant that the attorney have experience dealing with board members, condo owners, contractors, and insurance carriers.
What will typically be covered under the condominium association’s policy?
The precise perils, types of loss, and policy limits covered by the insurance policy requires a careful review and analysis of the policy. Typically, the insurance policy for a condominium association will cover damage to the common areas of the structure and premises. The inside of individual condo units will be covered by insurance held by the individual unit owner rather than the association, assuming that the individual unit owner has purchaed insurance. Condo associations should consider requiring that unit owners carry insurance.
Can an insurance claim be re-opened if the insurance company has already closed the claim?
Generally, yes. Speak to an experenced condo association insurance claims lawyer promptly to review your options.
Should a condo board always get a second opinion if its claim was denied by the insurance carrier?
Yes. Many of our clients from individual policyholders to condominium associations come to us for a free second opinion after their insurance company has denied their claim. Mr. Gonzalez-Sirgo will review the terms of your policy, nature and scope of the damage, and your original claim. If your claim was undervalued or improperly denied, we can reopen the claim and pursue the full value of the claim.
You can reach Miami Condominium Association Insurance Claims Lawyer J.P. Gonzalez-Sirgo by dialing his direct number at (786) 272-5841, calling the main office at (305) 461-1095, or Toll Free at 1 (866) 71-CLAIM or email Attorney Gonzalez-Sirgo directly at [email protected].